
The Teardrop Crybaby Camper

The Crybaby Camper It all started with a dream.   we put the pieces together filled in the gaps  insulated  the walls fixed our mistakes Cleaned up the edges turned the whole thing upside down  we were primed for success :)   built on a sturdy frame almost ready to paint  finally figured out our fenders  drip edge  and then we decide to skim coat the whole thing with body filler its been a process.... but finally we closed the bondo chapter & primed it for real  first coat of white glossy 3rd coat finishing the floor running wires for tail lights etc. got it done enough to camp! the crybaby camper in its natural habitat  the man himself who made this all happen

Learning to Walk

I saw Google's video about its program that taught itself how to walk and I couldn't help think about how we as humans learn to walk when we are so very young. like my adorable little nieces scooching along right now grasping for things just beyond their small reachable radius.  Humans need to be taught so many things, like each individual needs to essentially re-learn the things our parents knew  (math, driving, and writing skills etc.), but walking is something we each learn by trying it with very simple motivation as our only teacher.  I wonder what other things we learn in this manner. 

So you want to be a Blogger

I've wanted to start a blog for a while now. I guess the only thing holding me back is a good first post. So I'll just make a below average post with room to grow. From the fear of spiders to the fear of failing, we have physical and mental responses to certain things. The fear of failing can be overcome with another fear: the fear of never succeeding because you never try. Thus a counter fear that promotes productive activity. Is fear such a bad thing? Worst case scenarios invade my vivid imagination frequently, taking subject matter from daily tasks and happenings. Something as simple as a walk down the stairs can have me cringing in pain at the very real broken ankle I will receive two steps down. Or when a mildly dangerous task is preformed by a loved one I have already strapped them in the car and we are on the way the the ER holding the lost digits in a bag of ice. Due to these fanciful and detailed imaginings on the one hand I am prepared for anything, and on t...

DIY Almond Joy

Homemade "Almond Joys" Craving chocolate? Want a fun tasty treat to share? These chocolate coconut almond goodies are a great option. Makes 24 or more Ingredients: 20 oz bag Chocolate Chips (semi sweet) 7 oz bag Sweetened Coconut flakes 1- 2 teaspoons Olive oil 1- 2 teaspoons Light Corn Syrup 24 - 40 Almonds Stuff: Cookie sheet Wax paper Blender Rubber spatula Bowls and spoons etc. Microwave ***Disclaimer depending on the size of coconut center you make or how much chocolate you dump on each, the number of treats will vary. I made over two dozen with this supply list and my first time skills. I probably could have used a mold or something to help keep things consistent. But these treats are fun and have the homemade feel. Who doesn't like extra chocolate. First things First: Melt the Chocolate! Tip: I add a teaspoon or so of Olive oil to the bowl of chocolate chips and stir till they are covered....