Synonyms: Homeless, Veteran

I've been looking for a certain style of jacket ever since I saw all the cool kids wearing them in Russia fall and winter of 2013-14. You know the green jackets, long on the back, pockets galore, tie at the waist, hood with or without fur.  I asked a young 20 something girl about hers and she seemed surprised that I thought it was a Russian style, because it's actually an American  fashion. 

Two years later I finally found a good knock off in my price range for winter season 15-16. Who knows if it's still all the rage... but I love wearing it. So I proudly show it off to my boyfriend after I'd been talking for ever about finding a "homeless style" green jacket.  And he looks at it and says that's not homeless that's an army jacket. Military style fashion. 

And then my gut sank...I knew that it was military style but why did I first lable it as grungy homeless style in my brain.  Probably because I only time I've seen this jacket worn by a non fashionista is when I drive though "that" part of town or see a man or woman sitting on the curb with a cardboard sign. 
So my brain processed it as homeless without making the connection that 

it's both.... 

homeless & veteran.

There are many men and women on the street who have served in some branch of the military.  The clothes they came home with are the clothes they still wear. Still fighting for survival. There are a lot of varying issues that lead to homelessness.

(Insert reference stats and stories about "real" people) 

To be honest I don't know anything about this except I felt a deep sorrow in my heart for the men and women who live on the streets especially after they have served in the military 

(Insert call to arms and encouraging guilt trip) 

I just wanted to share my little ah-ha moment 


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